The Radiance Within: Your Step-by-Step Guide to an Intentional Facial

The Radiance Within: Your Step-by-Step Guide to an Intentional Facial

Greetings! Have you been looking for the perfect way to treat yourself at home? Looking to spruce up your current self-care ceremony? Well, have I got something special for you. If you haven't had the opportunity to indulge in an at-home DIY facial, then today is the day. But wait! Let's not stop there.... in true Grand Ri5ing fashion, let's take it a bit deeper by implementing intention, affirmation, and reflection.

Why an Intentional Facial?

When I felt under the weather recently, instead of succumbing to the exhaustion, I decided to turn my downtime into an opportunity for self-care. The transformation I experienced by dedicating time to a facial was remarkable. I realized that each step of the facial process could be infused with intention, making it not just a beauty routine, but a powerful self-love ceremony.

Here’s how you can do the same:

Step-by-Step Guide to Your Ri5ing Self-Love Facial Ceremony


  • Tie Hair Back: Use a headband or clips to keep hair away from the face.
  • Wash Hands: Ensure your hands are clean before starting the facial.

Definition: Setting the stage for transformation by preparing your mind, body, and environment.

Intention: Create a conducive environment for personal growth.

Affirmation: "I am ready and open to embrace my true purpose."

Reflection Question: What do I need to clear from my space and mind to fully embrace this self-care moment?


  • Remove Makeup: Use a gentle makeup remover or micellar water to remove any makeup.
  • Cleanser: Choose a gentle, hydrating cleanser suitable for your skin type. Massage it into the skin using circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Definition: Removing negative thoughts, doubts, and distractions.

Intention: Clear away mental and emotional clutter to see your path clearly.

Affirmation: "I release what no longer serves me."

Reflection Question: What thoughts or feelings are holding me back today?


  • Exfoliator: Use a mild exfoliating scrub or enzyme-based exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. Avoid harsh scrubs to prevent irritation.
  • Massage and Rinse: Gently massage the exfoliator into the skin and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Definition: Shedding old habits and beliefs that hinder progress.

Intention: Remove limiting beliefs and behaviors.

Affirmation: "I let go of the old to make way for the new."

Reflection Question: Which old habits or beliefs do I need to shed?


  • Steaming: Use a facial steamer or Fill a bowl with hot water and place your face over it for 5-10 minutes. Cover your head with a towel to trap the steam. This opens pores and softens the skin.

Definition: Opening up to new ideas and opportunities.

Intention: Be receptive to inspiration and guidance.

Affirmation: "I am open to new possibilities and growth."

Reflection Question: What new opportunities am I open to today?


  • Clay Mask or Hydrating Mask: Depending on your skin’s needs, use a clay mask for oily skin or a hydrating mask for dry skin. Apply the mask evenly and leave it on for the recommended time.
  • Rinse Off: Use lukewarm water to remove the mask, ensuring all residue is gone.

Definition: Deep reflection and focused work on personal challenges.

Intention: Address and nurture your deeper needs and desires.

Affirmation: "I nurture my soul and honor my true self."

Reflection Question: What personal challenges do I need to address?


  • Toner: Use an alcohol-free toner to restore the skin's pH balance. Apply with a cotton pad or spray it directly onto the face.

Definition: Balancing and aligning your goals and actions.

Intention: Bring harmony to your life and goals.

Affirmation: "I align my actions with my highest purpose."

Reflection Question: How can I bring more balance into my life?


  • Serum: Choose a serum that addresses specific skin concerns such as aging, hyperpigmentation, or hydration. Apply a few drops and gently massage it into the skin.

Definition: Applying targeted actions and strategies for growth.

Intention: Focus on specific areas that need attention and improvement.

Affirmation: "I take focused action towards my dreams."

Reflection Question: What specific actions can I take to move closer to my dreams?


  • Moisturizer: Use a rich, hydrating moisturizer suitable for mature skin. Massage it into the skin using upward strokes.
  • Eye Cream: Apply a small amount of eye cream around the delicate eye area to address fine lines and puffiness.

Definition: Sustaining and nourishing your journey.

Intention: Keep your spirit and motivation nourished and hydrated.

Affirmation: "I sustain my growth with love and care."

Reflection Question: How can I better sustain my motivation and well-being?


  • Facial Oil (Optional): For added glow, you can apply a few drops of facial oil to seal in moisture.
  • Lip Balm: Don’t forget to hydrate your lips with a nourishing lip balm.

Definition: Adding final elements to enhance and complete your transformation.

Intention: Pay attention to the details that elevate your journey.

Affirmation: "I celebrate and enhance my progress."

Reflection Question: What small details can I focus on to enhance my progress? 


Perform a facial once a week to maintain skin health.

Definition: Consistency in your actions and efforts.

Intention: Maintain a regular practice of self-improvement and goal-setting.

Affirmation: "I commit to consistent growth and progress."

Reflection Question: How can I ensure consistency in my self-care practices?


Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within.

Definition: Keeping your body and mind refreshed and energized.

Intention: Ensure you are physically and mentally rejuvenated.

Affirmation: "I stay refreshed and energized for my journey."

Reflection Question: What can I do daily to keep myself refreshed and energized?


Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants to support skin health.

Definition: Nourishing your body and mind with positivity and health.

Intention: Feed your body and mind with what supports your purpose.

Affirmation: "I nourish myself with what supports my highest good."

Reflection Question: How can I nourish my body and mind to support my purpose?

Embrace Your Radiance

We invite you to try this step-by-step facial as a ceremonial act of self-love. Take a moment to share your experience in the comments below or post a picture of yourself practicing your Ri5ing Self-Love Ceremony on social media. Tag us @GrandRi5ing so we can celebrate your journey together.

Remember, self-care is a journey, not a destination. Each step you take brings you closer to your highest self. Share this blog with friends and family who could benefit from a moment of intentional self-care.

Stay Radiant, Stay Intentional, & Keep Ri5ing.

With Love & Light,
Malica Stallworth
Grand Ri5ing LLC

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